Gematria is a numerology system that assigns numerical value to words, letters or phrases by considering their letters in the Hebrew alphabet. The numerical values are based on order of the alphabet and each letter is assigned a number from 1 to 400. By analyzing and calculating the total numerical value of a word, thought or phrase, it can provide insight into its meaning and significance. The gematria calculator is an online tool designed to help you understand gematria.
A gematria calculator works by assigning each Hebrew letter with its own numerical value. The user then types in their desired word, phrase or thought in Hebrew and the calculator will calculate its total numerical value. For example, the Hebrew word dom (which means silence) consists of two letters: dalet and mem. These are assigned numbers four and forty respectively. Therefore, the total numerical value of dom would be four plus forty which is forty-four.
The gematria calculator will also calculate words based on other spelling variations such as Greek and Latin equivalents as well as Jewish Aramaic translations known as targumim found in some sacred texts throughout history. For those more comfortable working with Greek translations, there are calculators that use Greek equivalences instead of traditional Hebrew spelling for calculation purposes. It is important to note that all gematria calculations should be double-checked for accuracy when using any online gematria calculator available today.
The word's or phrase's numerical value can also be used along with other numerology principles such as numerology wheel to decipher certain messages being communicated through text or literature. Gemat paz (which means revelation), for example, has a numerical value of 84 which when divided by seven yields twelve – this could signify some hidden spiritual teacher speaking through your text providing twelve lessons of knowledge on a particular topic or idea.
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